A mouthwatering combo of BBQ chicken pizza, a decadent chocolate brown
A mouthwatering combo of BBQ chicken pizza, a decadent chocolate brownie, and a refreshing Coke
A tasty combo featuring a flavorful capsicum pizza, a rich chocolate b
A tasty combo featuring a flavorful capsicum pizza, a rich chocolate brownie, and a refreshing Coke
A delicious combo of cheesy, herb-infused pizza, a decadent chocolate
A delicious combo of cheesy, herb-infused pizza, a decadent chocolate brownie, and a chilled Coke for the ultimate treat.
A perfect combo of onion pizza, rich chocolate brownie, and a refreshi
A perfect combo of onion pizza, rich chocolate brownie, and a refreshing Coke for a complete meal experience.
A delicious combo of sweetcorn pizza, a decadent chocolate brownie, an
A delicious combo of sweetcorn pizza, a decadent chocolate brownie, and a refreshing Coke
A delectable combination of freshly cooked capsicum & paneer with our
A delectable combination of freshly cooked capsicum & paneer with our in house sauce. [Fat-7.6 per 100 g, Protein-7.3 per 100 g, Carbohydrate-50.1 per 100 g, Sugar-3.3 per 100 g, Calories-298 k.call]Nutritional information per 100g
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